Base class representing each node in graph.
Properties |
Methods |
Accessors |
constructor(id: string)
Construct new node in graph.
Parameters :
Private _lazyDependencies |
Type : string[]
Default value : []
Lazy dependencies ready to render when this node is rendered. |
Private _parent |
Type : GraphBlock | undefined
Default value : undefined
Parent of current node in graph. Can be undefined. |
Private _parentSiblingCondition |
Type : SiblingCondition
SiblingCondition for finding correct parent. |
Private _siblingCondition |
Type : SiblingCondition
Type : LineRendererModifier
Default value : () => {...}
Empty implementation of LineRendererModifier. |
Public Readonly id |
Type : string
Unique ID in the node graph.
Type : SiblingCondition
Default value : new PositiveSiblingCondition()
Positive sibling condition default for all GraphBlock. |
Private Static Readonly SHAPE_RENDERER |
Type : ShapeRenderer
Default value : new ShapeRenderer()
Shape renderer for generating different shapes in graph. |
Private __multiFindChildIndex | ||||||||||||
__multiFindChildIndex(children: GraphBlock[][], child: GraphBlock)
Private method for finding a child index of defined block in a multidimensional array of children.
Parameters :
Returns :
| undefined
Coordinates of child block or undefined when block is not found. |
Private __renderLines | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
__renderLines(indent: number, id: string, ids: string[], direction: "left" | "right", builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[])
Private method for rendering lines between nodes in defined directions.
Parameters :
Returns :
Rendered line. |
Protected _assignParent | ||||||||
_assignParent(children: GraphBlock[])
Helper method for assigning this parent into each children.
Parameters :
Returns :
Protected _filterChildren | ||||||||
_filterChildren(children: GraphBlock[])
Helper method for filtering array of children.
Parameters :
Returns :
Protected _findParentBySiblingCondition | ||||||||||||
_findParentBySiblingCondition(child: GraphBlock, siblingCondition: SiblingCondition)
Helper method for finding an indirect parent of defined child by SiblingCondition.
Parameters :
Returns :
GraphBlock | undefined
Protected _findSiblingChild | ||||||||||||||||||||
_findSiblingChild(child: GraphBlock, parentSiblingCondition: SiblingCondition, siblingCondition: SiblingCondition)
Helper method for finding a sibling of defined child in parents children.
Parameters :
Returns :
GraphBlock | undefined
Protected _generateSpace | ||||||||
_generateSpace(count: number)
Helper method for generating space.
Parameters :
Returns :
Space of defined length. |
Protected _multiFilterChildren | ||||||||
_multiFilterChildren(children: GraphBlock[][])
Helper method for filtering children in multidimensional array of children.
Parameters :
Returns :
Protected _renderConnectionWithParent | |||||||||||||||
_renderConnectionWithParent(indent: number, children: GraphBlock, lastIds: string[], priorityBuilderModifier: LineRendererModifier[])
Parameters :
Returns :
Protected _renderDependencies | ||||||||||||
_renderDependencies(indent: number, blocks: GraphBlock[])
Helper method for rendering dependencies with defined indent between blocks.
Parameters :
Returns :
Dependencies of blocks. |
Protected _renderLine | ||||||||||||||||||||
_renderLine(indent: number, lhsId: string, rhsId: string, builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[])
Helper method for generating line between two nodes.
Parameters :
Returns :
Line definition between two nodes. |
Protected _renderLinesL2R | ||||||||||||||||||||
_renderLinesL2R(indent: number, toId: string, fromIds: string[], builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[])
Helper method for rendering line starting in one node and ending in multiple nodes.
Parameters :
Returns :
Rendered line. |
Protected _renderLinesR2L | ||||||||||||||||||||
_renderLinesR2L(indent: number, fromId: string, toIds: string[], builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[])
Helper method for rendering line starting in multiple nodes and ending in one node.
Parameters :
Returns :
Rendered line. |
Protected _renderShape | ||||||||||||
_renderShape(text: string, shape: Shape)
Helper method for rendering defined shape with text.
Parameters :
Returns :
Rendered shape with text. |
Protected createLineBuilder | ||||||||||||
createLineBuilder(lhsId: string, rhsId: string)
Create new instance of LineRenderer.
Parameters :
Returns :
Public Abstract render | ||||||||
render(_indent: number)
Renders current node.
Parameters :
Returns :
Protected renderInSubgraph | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
renderInSubgraph(_indent: number, id: string, text: string, bodyRenderer: (indent: number) => void, direction: "TB" | "TD" | "BT" | "LR" | "RL")
Renders current node wrapped in a subgraph. Direction options:
Parameters :
Returns :
Graph wrapped in a subgraph. |
Public renderLazyDependencies | ||||||||
renderLazyDependencies(_indent: number)
Renders lazy dependencies of current node.
Parameters :
Returns :
Public toString |
Returns :
blockKind |
Returns :
firstBlock |
Returns :
lastBlocks |
Returns :
hasChildren |
Returns :
children |
Returns :
lazyDependency | ||||||||
setlazyDependency(lazyLine: string)
Add lazy dependency to local collection.
Parameters :
Returns :
includeInDependencyGraph |
Returns :
allowUnwrapChildren |
Returns :
skipRenderRestDependencies |
Returns :
siblingCondition | ||||||||
Returns :
setsiblingCondition(condition: SiblingCondition)
Set SiblingCondition.
Parameters :
Returns :
parentSiblingCondition | ||||||||
Returns :
setparentSiblingCondition(condition: SiblingCondition)
Set SiblingCondition.
Parameters :
Returns :
connectWithDirectParent |
Should be used only when:
Returns :
connectWithParentOfKind |
Should be used only when:
Returns :
connectWithNextParentsSibling |
Should be used only when:
Returns :
isDependencyBridge |
Should be used only when:
Returns :
lineRendererModifier |
Should be used only when:
Returns :
import { BlockKind } from '../block.kind';
import { PositiveSiblingCondition, SiblingCondition } from '../conditions';
import { LineRenderer, LineRendererModifier, Shape, ShapeRenderer } from './renderer';
* Base class representing each node in graph.
export abstract class GraphBlock {
* Shape renderer for generating different shapes in graph.
private static readonly SHAPE_RENDERER: ShapeRenderer = new ShapeRenderer();
* Positive sibling condition default for all {@link GraphBlock}.
private static readonly POSITIVE_SIBLING_CONDITION: SiblingCondition = new PositiveSiblingCondition();
* Empty implementation of {@link LineRendererModifier}.
private static readonly EMPTY_LINE_RENDERER_MODIFIER: LineRendererModifier = (lineRenderer: LineRenderer) => lineRenderer;
* Parent of current node in graph. Can be undefined.
private _parent: GraphBlock | undefined = undefined;
* Lazy dependencies ready to render when this node is rendered.
private _lazyDependencies: string[] = [];
* {@link SiblingCondition}.
private _siblingCondition: SiblingCondition;
* {@link SiblingCondition} for finding correct parent.
private _parentSiblingCondition: SiblingCondition;
* Construct new node in graph.
* @param id {string} Unique ID in the node graph.
protected constructor(public readonly id: string) {
this._siblingCondition = GraphBlock.POSITIVE_SIBLING_CONDITION;
this._parentSiblingCondition = GraphBlock.POSITIVE_SIBLING_CONDITION;
* Renders current node.
* @param _indent {number} Indentation from start of the line.
public abstract render(_indent: number): string;
* Renders lazy dependencies of current node.
* @param _indent {number} Indentiation from start of the line.
public renderLazyDependencies(_indent: number): string {
return this._lazyDependencies
.map((dependency: string) => `${this._generateSpace(_indent)}${dependency}`)
* Renders current node wrapped in a subgraph.
* Direction options:
* - TB - top to bottom (default)
* - TD - top-down / same as top to bottom
* - BT - bottom to top
* - LR - left to rignt
* - RL - right to left
* @param _indent {number} Indentation from start of the line.
* @param id {string} ID of a subgraph.
* @param text {string} Name of a subgraph.
* @param bodyRenderer {function} Callback responsible for rendering real node content.
* @param direction {string} Direction of a subgraph.
* @returns {string} Graph wrapped in a subgraph.
protected renderInSubgraph(
_indent: number,
id: string,
text: string,
bodyRenderer: (indent: number) => string,
direction: 'TB' | 'TD' | 'BT' | 'LR' | 'RL' = 'TB'
): string {
return `
${this._generateSpace(_indent)}subgraph ${id} ${this._renderShape(text, Shape.SHARP_EDGES)}
${this._generateSpace(_indent + 1)}direction ${direction}
${bodyRenderer(_indent + 1)}
* @returns {@link BlockKind} of the block.
public abstract get blockKind(): BlockKind;
* Returns parent of this node or undefined if node has no parent.
* @returns {{@link GraphBlock} | undefined}
get parent(): GraphBlock | undefined {
return this._parent;
* Set parent of this node.
* Can not set {undefined} value.
* @param value {@link GraphBlock} Parent of this node.
set parent(value: GraphBlock | undefined) {
if (value) {
this._parent = value;
* @returns {string} First ID of this node.
public get firstBlock(): GraphBlock {
return this;
* @returns {string[]} Array of last ID of nodes directly connected to this node.
public get lastBlocks(): string[] {
return [];
* @returns {boolean} True when this node has some children, False otherwise.
public get hasChildren(): boolean {
return false;
* @returns {GraphBlock[][]} Multidimensional array of direct children of this node.
public get children(): GraphBlock[][] {
return [];
* Add lazy dependency to local collection.
* @param lazyLine {string} Rendered lazy dependency line.
public set lazyDependency(lazyLine: string) {
* @returns {boolean} True, when this node should be included in dependency graph, False otherwise.
public get includeInDependencyGraph(): boolean {
return true;
* @returns True, when this children of this node is allowed to unwrap, False otherwise.
public get allowUnwrapChildren(): boolean {
return true;
* @returns True, when rest of the dependencies in a chain should not be rendered, False otherwise.
public get skipRenderRestDependencies(): boolean {
return false;
* @returns {@link SiblingCondition}.
public get siblingCondition(): SiblingCondition {
return this._siblingCondition;
* Set {@link SiblingCondition}.
* @param condition {@link SiblingCondition}.
protected set siblingCondition(condition: SiblingCondition) {
this._siblingCondition = condition;
* @returns {@link SiblingCondition}.
public get parentSiblingCondition(): SiblingCondition {
return this._parentSiblingCondition;
* Set {@link SiblingCondition}.
* @param condition {@link SiblingCondition}.
protected set parentSiblingCondition(condition: SiblingCondition) {
this._parentSiblingCondition = condition;
* Should be used only when:
* - {@link skipRenderRestDependencies} = true
* @returns True, when this block must be connected with its direct parent, False otherwise.
public get connectWithDirectParent(): boolean {
return false;
* Should be used only when:
* - {@link skipRenderRestDependencies} = true
* @returns True, when this block must be connected with parent of defined kind, False otherwise.
public get connectWithParentOfKind(): boolean {
return false;
* Should be used only when:
* - {@link skipRenderRestDependencies} = true
* @returns True, when this block must connect with next parents sibling, False otherwise.
public get connectWithNextParentsSibling(): boolean {
return false;
* Should be used only when:
* - {@link connectWithDirectParent} = true OR
* - {@link connectWithParentOfKind} = true OR
* - {@link connectWithNextParentsSibling} = true
* <br>
* In this case line configuration will be overriden by one from bridge block.
* @returns True, when this block serves only as a bridge between two blocks.
public get isDependencyBridge(): boolean {
return false
* Should be used only when:
* - {@link isDependencyBridge} = true
* @returns {@link LineRendererModifier} Modifier of current line renderer.
public get lineRendererModifier(): LineRendererModifier {
* Create new instance of {@link LineRenderer}.
* @param lhsId {string} ID of start node.
* @param rhsId {string} ID of end node.
* @returns {@link LineRenderer} New instance of {@link LineRenderer}
protected createLineBuilder(lhsId: string, rhsId: string): LineRenderer {
return new LineRenderer(lhsId, rhsId);
// ----------------------------- HELPER METHODS ------------------------------
* Helper method for assigning this parent into each children.
* @param children {@link GraphBlock[]} Children where this parent is going to be assigned.
protected _assignParent(children: GraphBlock[]): void {
children.forEach((child: GraphBlock) => {
child.parent = this;
* Helper method for generating space.
* @param count {number} Count of space.
* @returns {string} Space of defined length.
protected _generateSpace(count: number): string {
return ' '.repeat(count);
* Helper method for generating line between two nodes.
* @param indent {number} Indentation from start of the line.
* @param lhsId {string} ID of start node.
* @param rhsId {string} ID of end node.
* @param builderModifier
* @returns {string} Line definition between two nodes.
protected _renderLine(
indent: number,
lhsId: string,
rhsId: string,
...builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[]
): string {
let builder = this.createLineBuilder(lhsId, rhsId);
if (builderModifier) {
builder = builderModifier.reduce((prev: LineRenderer, curr: LineRendererModifier) => curr(builder), builder);
return `${this._generateSpace(indent + 1)}${builder.render()}`;
* Helper method for rendering defined shape with text.
* @param text {string} Text in shape.
* @param shape {@link Shape} Type of shape.
* @returns {string} Rendered shape with text.
protected _renderShape(text: string, shape: Shape): string {
return GraphBlock.SHAPE_RENDERER.render(text, shape);
* Helper method for rendering dependencies with defined indent between blocks.
* @param indent {number} Indentation from start of the line.
* @param blocks {@link GraphBlock[]} Blocks to render dependencies between each node.
* @returns {string} Dependencies of blocks.
protected _renderDependencies(indent: number, blocks: GraphBlock[]): string {
blocks = blocks.filter((block: GraphBlock) => block.includeInDependencyGraph);
if (blocks.length <= 1) {
return '';
let result = '';
let lastBlockWithDependency = blocks[0];
for (let i = 1; i < blocks.length; i++) {
const currentBlockWithDependency: GraphBlock = blocks[i];
const currentFirstBlock: GraphBlock = currentBlockWithDependency.firstBlock;
const lastIds: string[] = lastBlockWithDependency.lastBlocks;
if (!currentBlockWithDependency.isDependencyBridge) {
result += this._renderLinesL2R(indent,, lastIds);
if (currentBlockWithDependency.skipRenderRestDependencies) {
result += this._renderConnectionWithParent(indent, currentBlockWithDependency, lastIds);
lastBlockWithDependency = currentBlockWithDependency;
return result;
* Helper method for rendering line starting in one node and ending in multiple nodes.
* @param indent {number} Indentation from start of the line.
* @param toId {string} ID of start node.
* @param fromIds {string[]} Array of end nodes.
* @param builderModifier {function} Optional modifier of current line.
* @returns {string} Rendered line.
protected _renderLinesL2R(
indent: number,
toId: string,
fromIds: string[],
...builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[]
): string {
return this.__renderLines(indent, toId, fromIds, 'right', ...builderModifier);
* Helper method for rendering line starting in multiple nodes and ending in one node.
* @param indent {number} Indentation from start of the line.
* @param fromId {string} Array of start nodes.
* @param toIds {string[]} ID of end node.
* @param builderModifier {function} Optional modifier of current line.
* @returns {string} Rendered line.
protected _renderLinesR2L(
indent: number,
fromId: string,
toIds: string[],
...builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[]
): string {
return this.__renderLines(indent, fromId, toIds, 'left', ...builderModifier);
protected _renderConnectionWithParent(indent: number, children: GraphBlock, lastIds: string[], ...priorityBuilderModifier: LineRendererModifier[]): string {
if (!children.parent) {
return '';
let result = '';
if (children.connectWithDirectParent) {
if (children.isDependencyBridge) {
result += this._renderLinesL2R(indent,, lastIds, ...priorityBuilderModifier, children.lineRendererModifier);
} else {
result += this._renderLine(indent,,;
if (children.connectWithParentOfKind) {
const parentOfKind = this._findParentBySiblingCondition(children, children.siblingCondition);
if (parentOfKind) {
if (children.isDependencyBridge) {
result += this._renderLinesL2R(indent,, lastIds, ...priorityBuilderModifier, children.lineRendererModifier);
} else {
result += this._renderLine(indent,,;
if (children.connectWithNextParentsSibling) {
const siblingChild: GraphBlock | undefined = this._findSiblingChild(this, children.parentSiblingCondition, children.siblingCondition);
if (siblingChild) {
if (children.isDependencyBridge) {
siblingChild.lazyDependency = this._renderLinesL2R(0,, lastIds, ...priorityBuilderModifier, children.lineRendererModifier);
} else {
result += this._renderLine(indent,,;
return result;
* Helper method for filtering children in multidimensional array of children.
* @param children {@link GraphBlock[][]} Array of children.
* @returns {@link GraphBlock[][]} Multidimensional array of children ready for rendering.
protected _multiFilterChildren(children: GraphBlock[][]): GraphBlock[][] {
return children.filter((childs: GraphBlock[]) => this._filterChildren(childs));
* Helper method for filtering array of children.
* @param children {@link GraphBlock[]} Array of children.
* @returns {@link GraphBlock[]} Children ready for rendering.
protected _filterChildren(children: GraphBlock[]): GraphBlock[] {
return children.filter((block: GraphBlock) => block.includeInDependencyGraph);
* Helper method for finding a sibling of defined child in parents children.
* @param child {@link GraphBlock} Node which for sibling is looked for.
* @param parentSiblingCondition {@link SiblingCondition}.
* @param siblingCondition {@link SiblingCondition}.
* @returns {@link GraphBlock} | {@link undefined} Sibling of wanted child or undefined when sibling was not possible to find.
protected _findSiblingChild(child: GraphBlock, parentSiblingCondition: SiblingCondition = this.siblingCondition, siblingCondition: SiblingCondition = this.siblingCondition): GraphBlock | undefined {
if (!child.parent) {
return undefined;
const parent = child.parent;
if (!parentSiblingCondition.isValid(child)) {
return this._findSiblingChild(child.parent, parentSiblingCondition, siblingCondition);
const filteredParentChildren = this._multiFilterChildren(parent.children);
const result: [number, number] | undefined = this.__multiFindChildIndex(filteredParentChildren, child);
if (result) {
const [outerIndexOfThisBlock, innerIndexOfThisBlock]: [number, number] = result;
const childrenCount = filteredParentChildren[outerIndexOfThisBlock].length;
if (childrenCount - 1 > innerIndexOfThisBlock) {
for (let i = innerIndexOfThisBlock + 1; i < childrenCount; i++) {
const sibling = filteredParentChildren[outerIndexOfThisBlock][i];
if (siblingCondition.isValid(sibling)) {
return sibling;
// const sibling = filteredParentChildren[outerIndexOfThisBlock][innerIndexOfThisBlock + 1];
// if (siblingCondition.isValid(sibling)) {
// return sibling;
// } else {
return this._findSiblingChild(parent, parentSiblingCondition, siblingCondition);
// }
} else {
return this._findSiblingChild(parent, parentSiblingCondition, siblingCondition);
} else {
return undefined;
* Helper method for finding an indirect parent of defined child by {@link SiblingCondition}.
* @param child {@link GraphBlock} Child whose parent is wanted.
* @param siblingCondition {@link SiblingCondition}.
* @returns {@link GraphBlock} | {@link undefined} Parent of wanted child or undefined when parent was not possible to find.
protected _findParentBySiblingCondition(child: GraphBlock, siblingCondition: SiblingCondition): GraphBlock | undefined {
if (!child.parent) {
return undefined;
const parent = child.parent;
if (siblingCondition.isValid(parent)) {
return parent;
return this._findParentBySiblingCondition(parent, siblingCondition);
// ----------------------------- PRIVATE METHODS -----------------------------
* Private method for rendering lines between nodes in defined directions.
* @param indent {number} Indentation from start of the line.
* @param id {string} ID of one side of connection.
* @param ids {string[]} Array of IDs of end of a connection.
* @param direction {string} Direction of a line.
* @param builderModifier {function} Optional modifier of current line.
* @returns {string} Rendered line.
private __renderLines(
indent: number,
id: string,
ids: string[],
direction: 'left' | 'right',
...builderModifier: LineRendererModifier[]
): string {
let result = ids
.map((currentId) => {
if (direction === 'left') {
return this._renderLine(indent + 1, id, currentId, ...builderModifier);
} else {
return this._renderLine(indent + 1, currentId, id, ...builderModifier);
result += '\n';
return result;
// noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic
* Private method for finding a child index of defined block in a multidimensional array of children.
* @param children {@link GraphBlock[][]} Multidimensional array of children including the child.
* @param child {@link GraphBlock} Wanted child.
* @returns {[number, number] | undefined} Coordinates of child block or undefined when block is not found.
private __multiFindChildIndex(children: GraphBlock[][], child: GraphBlock): [number, number] | undefined {
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const parallelChildren = children[i];
for (let j = 0; j < parallelChildren.length; j++) {
const innerChildren = parallelChildren[j];
if (innerChildren === child) {
return [i, j];
return undefined;
public toString(): string {